“The richness of her sound struck me and stayed with me. What she does with it is also a joy.”

                                                                                              Todd Gordamnn, American record Guide


“Rebecca Taio takes the listener by the hand and leads him from note to note in an intricate green path full of colors and intense scents in a colorful game that comes alive and turns into a fairy tale. And there it is, the miracle of music that becomes matter, is colored with small sound spots and describes, tells, interrupts and continues in a thousand rivulets until it falls silent exhausted and paid for having been able without words, without colors, in a completely immaterial way, only with the simple sound of a flute, to retrace the childish fantasies of a very young artist who manages to give all of herself to the emotions of music, but above all she knows how to give them to ordinary mortals, fascinated by her ethereal and dreamy beauty.”

Gaetano Santangelo, Fondazione Amadeus